About Forum

Since the 1st Forum of Materials Genome Engineering (ForMGE) was successfully held in Guangzhou on November 22-24, 2017, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th ForMGE were successfully held in Beijing, Kunming and Mianyang, respectively. In each session of the ForMGE, 30~40 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and abroad participated. The attendance increased from about 500 in the 1st ForMGE to more than 1100 in the 4th ForMGE, and the number of international invited experts reached more than 40. ForMGE is playing a positive role in promoting the formation and dissemination of disruptive paradigm, and methods for materials research and development, and promoting the development and application of key technologies in MGE. The forum has become one of the top-level international academic forums with certain international influence in the field of MGE.
In order to further promote international communication and accelerate the development and application of the development and application of advanced materials in China, the 5th ForMGE will be held on December 14-16, 2021 in Zhengzhou, Henan. The sponsors of this forum include the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chinese Materials Research Society. The organizers of this forum include Institute of Materials of CAEP, The People’s Government of Mianyang Municipality, Institute of Chemical Materials of CAEP, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Industry Development and Promotion Center of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Metallurgy and Material Engineering of CAE, and Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Materials Genome Engineering.

1、High-throughput material calculation and design
2、High-throughput material preparation and characterization
3、High-effective evaluation of material service and failure behavior
4、Material data base and big-data technology
5、Application of MGE key technologies
The forum will invite well-known scientists and engineers from China and overseas to present plenaries in prime forum and keynote speeches in parallel sessions. The speeches will be mainly invited reports. Some outstanding freelance speeches also can be accepted after experts’ review. In order to encourage young scholars to actively participate in the research of MGE, the forum has a poster session and establishes Outstanding Poster Award.
For the latest information, please follow the official website:www.ForMGE.cn